Ok, now as you have signed up for different Affiliate Programs which we discussed in our last article or even better ones, you may be wondering what to do next?? You may have got a bit of Idea about how these prgrams work by visiting the respective Websites.You need to know a little more before you are ready to go...

Every job of Affiliate Promotion can be done by two main methods which we'll focus on:
1.With Website
2.Without Website

1.With Website
As the name suggests,you promote your affiliate's products on your website.If you have a website which draws a lot of traffic,then probably you are in huge profit.Every advertiser [Affiliate] will give you a unique link with your tracking code to be displayed on your website.You can simply put these links in your Website's HTML or Javascript Section.People having websites automatically come to know about these things,so that I don't feel the need to elaborate further.
2.Without Website
This topic is of real concern to many people as many of them would not be having one.There are many ways of promoting besides a website.In fact,I have made majority of my earnings without a website.I'll tell you step by step:

1.Web Forums and Discussion groups:
I have put them in first place because this is the thing which works very well.You know the Importance of Mouth Publicity,it is similar to that.See,a forum is a place where many people post their comments, on a particular topic based on their experiences.You can post a comment and give your link [Affiliate,of course] at the bottom.Many of them will try n click,some will not,but obviously you'll earn.There are many forum's on various topics,you can choose according to your need.You'll need to be subscribed to various forums.
2.E-mails and Newsletters:
It also works,provided you have the large database of e-mail addresses.You can obtain them from various sources,search engines,etc.Remember that you'll be required to pay in some cases for it.Prepare a attracting e-mail with all the Promotional Material and explaining various benefits of the Affiliate Product.
3.Free classified sites:
You can place yor links in various classified sites.There are two options:Free and Paid.The Free option does not show your ad over a large period,and is not so much appealing.However,If you pay a nominal fee,then it can work very good.Examples are,Kijiji,etc..
4.Buying Ad space on Websites:
This option requires a little capital.You may note down some good websites having a lot of traffic.If your affiliate is paying you far higher than ad rental of such websites,you can go for it.
There are many more ways of promoting an Affiliate,other than those mentioned here.You will gradually come to know this when you start working.Affiliate marketing is a highly paying job if seriously done. You just have to be receptive for every new thing that comes your way.